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We carry a wide range of  books and journals each designed to leave a lasting message of inspiration and encouragement. Purchase here online and allow 3-7 days for shipment per Post Delivery. We greatly appreciate your business.

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Spiritual Intimacy is a personnel relationship between man and Jesus Christ that we can hear Him knocking at our door because our hearts have surrendered to Him. This poetry book tells a story of that true love.

A theological look at God's plan for mankind, penetrating question's at the Cross, man's relationship to God in the eye of the storm. Today's world looking for answers to their life's in the difficulties facing them.

It is a proclamation, a celebration of God's promises through the Son Jesus Christ for He has freed us through His blood,walk boldly in the light of salvation.

Drink deeply of this divine love for such is the height, depth and length, blessings flowing over into your life.

Amnesia - Do you know who you are in Christ Jesus. Discovering your identity and purpose. How to have a closer and growing relationship with God so that you live your life on purpose.

Need somewhere to compile your notes find this companion journal book lightweight with plenty lines.

Spring is in the air and so is love, captured in this array of quotes about love in a journal book for the romantic at heart or those in love.

This journal book walks you through scripture passages about Christ and His promises through the Resurrection.

Praise is an action word. Let yours be seen in this 11 oz two-sided cup.

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